Connecting Datacenters around the world isn't that difficult

Expect MORE from your FIBER

How does Axcelx offer “Network as a Service”. We do what providers have been doing for years just make it easier. Our partners and us provide a nice web portal to manage interconnections to other datacenters. It can be from a facility you rent colocation from or a cloud vendor like Amazon.

There are HUGE benefits from using us vs. attempting to manage the relationship alone. We have better transfer rates from our bulk buying power across north america which makes it must more cost-effective.

What are you waiting for? We hope it’s a connection from California to NY, or Boston to Texas. Let us quote and compare.


How We Connect You.

Point-to-Point, You to a Cloud Vendor, Build Your Own Network (Datacenter to Datacenter).

We engage our network team, provisioning team and partners if required. We quote your solution and engage in calculations for your business. We are here mainly to provide you a interface to manage your product, an intelligent team that understands how to configure and deploy.

What does this mean for you?

Cut out the Sales team that just wants to make money and oversells and under delivers. Let us design your solution the most cost effective way possible. 

Simple Terms?

Save Money, Relax and push the bandwidth.

Point to Point

Why use WAVES when we can interconnect you the same day in most cases.

The Cloud?

You NEED that 1G, 10G or 100G connection to AWS or GOOGLE but don't understand how to make it happen. We can help....

Cross Connections

You will need at minimum 1 connection. But you can connect Cloud, P2P and other services across the same port.

Data Center

Typically it's your facility but we have Colocation Space in North America. This is how we started.